Monday, March 16, 2015

My first experience in Higher Education…

As far as you know, this semester I have chosen Higher Education elective “Globalization and Higher Education” because I am very interested in the difference between School Leadership Program and Higher Education Leadership Program. Amazing! But suddenly, I realized that these are two very different spheres. Of course, they are somehow related, but it still remains to be “alien” to me. What I have learnt from Mr.Jack’s classes is that over the last half-century, the world has changed dramatically as a result of globalization process. Internationalization of higher education is the response to these shifts. It is a dynamic process continuously shaped and reshaped by the international context in which it occurs.

In our lessons we always try to analyze this process from different perspectives. But the main aim is to understand how the institutions perceive and adapt to initiatives, developments and policies of internationalization.
This was my first experience of such kind of work: you choose an article, analyze it and the present your findings as if you are an expert in this particular field. Luckily, I analyzed the Nordic (Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland) and Norwegian universities through two theoretical frameworks:
     1) the categorization of internationalization forms: old and new;

     2) common and variational trends.

According to my analyses, the "old" forms of internationalization prevailed because most of the universities actions were oriented to staff recruitment and cooperation. Among "new" forms was only the use of ICT in education.

Among the three common trends were:       
  • Formalization of internationalization (the establishment of separate and special offices);
  • Centralization of internationalization (all institutional agreements were committed at the top level);
  • Professionalization of internationalization (the introduction of skilled and trained specialists in the sphere).
However, the common trends did not surprise me at all. In my opinion, these trends were the typical responses of the universities to changes which happened in the sphere of education. Universities open “International offices” create plans on the top levels (because nobody is going to give you freedom, if you do not have any experience on that), and hire specialists and professionals who will deal with all these stuff and who will work in these offices.
Among the variational trends were:
  • Geographical location (urban/rural);
  • Status of the university (local/national/international).

In conclusion I can say that the gap between national policy-making and institutional interpretation of internationalization only slowed down the process of internationalization implementation. What was more obvious from the results is that even taking into account the fact that more institutional autonomy was allowed by the government, it (government) still played a major role in the development of higher education system in both studies (Nordic and Norwegian). From my personal point of view, the internationalization will stop being only a formality and will become a reality, when the government gives “a horse the bridle” (or “gives loose reign to universities”).
This was my first experience in Higher Education, and my first step was not troublesome! That is why I suggest you not to be afraid of something that is out of your comfort zone and try new things. Who knows, may be you will like it? as I did ;))) You will not regret, believe me)
At the end I will ask you to share with your first experience in something that new for you... 
Looking forward to reading your stories...


Stensaker, B., Frølich, N., Gornitzka, Å., & Maassen, P. (2008). Internationalisation of higher education: the gap between national policymaking and institutional needs. Globalisation, Societies and Education6(1), 1-11.


  1. To my fortune, Mr. Lee does not have an access to this blog, so I can say for sure that I was right not to choose his discipline. Not because of him, because I am not interested in Higher Education, the world of mystery and pathos. It is good that GSE allows students to choose subjects they are interested in, regardless their cohort. However, I wonder how you are going to apply your knowledge after the graduation. Are you going to work at the university according to your knowledge in HE and masters degree, ot at school, the main field of your study? This question made me chose subjects according to the cohort I study in.

  2. Dear Malika,

    Thank you for your comment once again. I am always happy to answer the reader's questions.
    I can say that I do not regret. I like Mr.Lee, and thanks to this I liked the subject he teaches. I cannot say that everything goes smoothly and I have no problems at all... No, vice versa... I am trying not to sink in all these and "keep my head above water". But, nevertheless, I do really believe that this is a good experience and it will be useful.

    As for your question about my future plans... To be honest, I have not thought about this yet... Because, you see, it is a very important decision. As if all my life is connected with this choice. What I really know is that I will be happy to stay in the field of education and apply the knowledge I gained for Kazakhstan's future development! I cannot promise anything now, because, unfortunately, I know that the fate has a habit to destroy all your plans and send you somewhere, you will not expect yourself to be. So come what will...!!!

    I hope that I answered your question)

    1. Oh yes you did, thanks! May you have a lot of maternity breaks during your whatever, but successful, career!

  3. Thank you, Aliya, for sharing the knowledge that you have gained in the course with us.

    Your essay may serve as a good advertisement especially for individuals who prefer to challenge themselves.
    The issue of internationalisation is currently in vogue. As you have mentioned in your blog one of trends is ‘Professionalization of internationalization (the introduction of skilled and trained specialists in the sphere)’. You certainly follow the trend, by having chosen this course!

    I have enjoyed reading your blog. Especially I find peculiar the categorisation between ‘old’ and ‘new’ forms. If you are lucky to find spare time, could you please expand a bit more on distinction between them?
