Friday, June 12, 2015
Turnitin detecting system

The education at the Nazarbaeyv University (NU) is really difficult, and the students of NU will agree with me. The most terrible part is the APA format in writing, the style of citing avoiding plagiarism case. The software program used by the university to check our papers for originality is Turnitin.
Turnitin is the best “tool to teach students what plagiarism is” (Heckler, Rice&Bryan, 2014, p.233). And it is true, because it has SafeAssingment and Web world database service, where can be saved all your previous papers submitted earlier, in a result you cannot cheat from early written essays. “Turnitin was the most advanced for detecting semi-automatic forms of plagiarism, and SafeAssingnment was best for detecting Web plagiarism”(Heckler, Rice&Bryan, 2014, p.232). The Turnition detection program makes happy the professors around the world by facilitating with the help of the following services: “GradeMark, PeerMark, iThenticate and Originality check” (Heckler, Rice&Bryan, 2014, p.233). The services help you to check the originality of the paper by percentages, allow to write some comments on paper, the same feedback can be given by an anonymous student. The iThenticate service is mostly for the scholars who desire to have the excellent paper to publish, shows the originality of the research writing.
There are 32 languages in the Turnition detection program, so it is applicable to other languages, not only English language. The universities, especially some departments of foreign languages will be satisfied with the opportunities offered by Turnitin.
In my opinion, this is a great system to use in the educational system to avoid plagiarism. I think it can be applicable to the Kazakhstani educational system, by adding some modernizations, like adding Kazakh language to Turnitin languages.

 Heckler, N. C., Rice, M., & Hobson Bryan, C. (2013). Turnitin systems: A deterrent to
plagiarism in college classrooms. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 45(3), 229-248.

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