Sunday, May 3, 2015

Is higher education a key to success?

Is higher education a key to success?

       The path of human development from the birth to formation of independent individual we pass through challenging and demanding procedure as from crawling till reading and writing respectively. Our parents and environment brainwashed us emphasizing that education is everything, more specifically higher education degree and its diploma. We all are pursuing Master’s degree, additionally learning other foreign languages, and diligently studying. We do it because we taught that it is a key to successful and sustainable life with good job and fine salary. However, there are plenty of millionaires and rich businessmen who are successful and happy without even finishing colleges.
      Many of the dropouts or those who even never finished high schools make substantially more that those who studied and hold higher degree diploma.  Moreover, millionaires that studied at engineering, law, economics or business do not chase the career by their specialty (Williams, 2014). Thus the question remains “Is higher education vital?” As a good examples can be drawn from the cases of world giant entrepreneurs Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs, who never finished colleges. But still appears to be successful innovators. Also, consider the case of Germany. After the World War II, the country was wrecked unrecognizably. In a few decades they could boost up their economy and become one of the leading country with its strong economy. Emotionally strong and highly motivated citizens, without any education degree, took in hand the destiny of Germany, who now also in community party that governs country.

All I am trying to say is that education becomes less important in this brutal and fast developing world that is recognized by harsh businessmen, entrepreneurs and governors. If you want to start earning big money and making change you should start learning not getting educated and filling your head with information. Life-long learning transforms the life and the world around us with grounded and applied intelligence.
With the given statements above, I am neither suggesting to drop out or not apply for further education, nor disparaging higher education. I am only expressing my own curiosity “What if we started to run the business earlier …” and leaving ideas to ponder about.


Williams, T. (2014) Is a college education really key to your success? Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Meru. You raised a very interesting issue, which really bothers my cousins who defend themselves by using the examples of these successful businessmen when they get poor grades at school. I agree with your point that the most important nowadays is self-education of individuals. Indeed, people can learn more outside rather than inside the university. However, this is still not common for many students, who would prefer to do nothing rather than learning something by themselves. The environment and culture of learning should be first changed in our schools, where students are taught to learn what is given, but not to search for what is genuinely interesting to them.
