Sunday, May 3, 2015

What would you change in Inclusive Education Master Program at NUGSE?

What would you change in Inclusive Education Master Program at NUGSE?
Imagine you are a member of Curriculum and Learning Committee at NUGSE, you are determined to enhance the Inclusive Education program, then, what will you do? I asked myself that question and decided to learn more about how top universities offer the same program (Master in Education, Inclusive Education). So, I made my list of things that I would add to our program.
I would make this program last for two years, not for one for several reasons. Firstly, I want first academic year be devoted to main courses and the second for writing a thesis. Secondly, summer time is a great opportunitiy for our students to do internships in countries where inclusive education is highly developed. Thirdly, I think, two year program leave more free time for students so that they can use it i to create big inclusive education club, where they can, for example, help your children with special needs to acquire social skills, promote inlusion by organising round tables, raise  awareness among population and etc.

I would also incorporate 5 hours per week on the job practice, in order to acquire practical knowledge that will be useful in further studies. Students may have on the job practicies on different types of special schools. For example, at schools for deaf and hearing impairments, at school for visual problems, at schools for mentally disordered chidren and etc. Gaining this experience will help not only with writing quality papers, but also will raise awareness on different types of disability. This knowledge will be helpful for teacher s in order to plan their classes or policymakers to propose policies.

I am not trying to say that our I am not satisfied with our program, I am happy to be part of it.  But I really want to hear from you guys, what do you think? What will you add to the program?

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting topic raised, Aizhan! I would also like to improve our inclusive edu lessons)) not because I don't like them (I really enjoy the Theory of IE course), but I agree with you that we lack some practice. For me, personally, it would be very interesting to visit Montessori school, for example, or newly built IE school so as to see the real inclusion and make my conclusions.
    I guess with some practice we could be more professionally prepared and even more willing to pursue further IE courses.
