Saturday, May 2, 2015

-Do you write poems? -Yes, my friend. And you?

Yesterday one journalist from “Astana-times” came to our poetry club “Pegas” and interviewed us as a focus group. She asked us: “Why is literature important for you?”, “Why do you write?”.  And I was pondering… Why... why... I understood that initially I write because I can’t not write. It’s simple. It is my body need and there are no thoughts about my potential readers. However, if other people enjoy my poems and their souls answer me, it will be great! So, I wondered how poetry club created in a school could influence children’s development and what kind of club I would create in a school.
It would be better to include several components in poetry clubs’ program, such as creating children’s own writing, performing them in public and analyzing of classical and modern poets’ works. The main idea is to involve in a poetry club passionate students who enjoy literature. With the help of great poets’ examples they may better comprehend poetic idea, facing different aspects of its mastery. Dwelling upon poems, children will work up ability to become absorbed in writing and see a word in a text. On the other hand, creating their own poems will reveal students the feeling of accuracy and imagery, because they as creators will treat their own words with due care. In addition, performing on the scene may influence students’ self-assurance in a positive way.
A poetry club may enhance students’ knowledge in literature naturally, because they may choose an author who they are going to read. However, the leader of a poetry club (probably teacher of literature) may also offer his/her choice of a writer if students feel themselves uncomfortable and insecure in the first instance. Actually, a leader will fill the role of a facilitator who does not suppress but encourage children on doing meetings and performances. This practice may develop students’ linguistic feeling and creative abilities, which in their turn will probably improve their academic achievement in literature and language.
In summary, a poetry club in school settings will provide benefits for students in terms of their self-expression and poetic competence. When I remember my first experience in a poetry club, I understand that this environment and people, members of our small community, provide me more of an accelerant to the fire in my poetic efforts. Their examples, thoughts and critique helped to improve my writing skills and all of them became my friends. A poetry club in my case has been not only place of sharpening skills, but also a place of likeminded people, a part of which I enjoy to be.

P. S. I want to share with you one of my favourite poem, written by myself.


«Пууууусть» -
- шепчет мой закипающий чайник.
Каждой чашке найдется чаинок горсть.
Каждой собаке найдётся сладкая кость,
Чтобы аж слюнки текли на беспечный асфальт.

Пусть каждой картине найдётся свой Оскар Уайльд,
Ньютону – неразгаданный свой бином.
Каждому «психу» найдётся пусть свой «дурдом».
Каждому дереву – свой потаённый сад.

Слышали? Говорят,
Что наш Бог шутил.
Нас, человеков, с помощью страшных пил
Для науки, а может, так.
Ходит теперь, как слепыш, человек-дурак,
Тычится, падает. С горя курит табак.
Находит кого-то. Кого-то проходит как
Дождь или снег проходят спустя часок.
А время сквозь пальцы яростней, чем песок..

Пусть каждому шепчет тоненький голосок:
- Постой.
Это твой.
Забудь свой бесцельный бег.
Ты теперь - Человек!!

1 comment:

  1. Katya, great poem! I like it very much, you are right - every dog will find its bone! Poetry for sure is a powerful tool, it is smart, it develops your creativity and enhances your language skills. Poems help to think globally, dream and talk about important things. In my opinion, poetry is the highest level of language skills, and it should be incorporated into learning. I think that in some cases it is even better to give your students assignments in a form of poems writing, rather than boring essay or composition. Thank you for post.
