Nowadays one of the
new and the most important reforms is the transition to 12-year education model.
Herbert (2003) stated: “Widely known that students who complete year 12 or its
equivalent have better chances in life, and are more likely to gain employment
and/or post-school qualifications than those who don't” (p.2). Makhmetgali
Sarybekov (2013), former Education and Science Vice-Minister, in his interview
to Central Asia Online said: “This [a shift to 12-year education] will mean
world-class education meeting world standards. We must integrate into the
global community”.
The main
question is “How is language policy developing in the frame of 12-year
education model in Western countries and in Kazakhstan?” It is crucial to focus
on languages in reforming education to 12 year system. Goranson, G., &
Howland, J., (1999) provides “a road map for school districts in Connecticut as
they develop and implement world
languages program appropriate for the 21st century” (p.2). Moreover, Western
countries implement K-12 schooling model effectively. For instance, Grossman
& Reyna (2011) emphasized that “implementing the CCSS [Common Core State
Standards] in schools and K-12 classrooms has the potential to transform
education in the United States by narrowing achievement gaps and ensuring that
every student graduates from high school ready for college and work” (p.3).
Bridges (2014)
suggests “a detailed analysis of the transition to a 12-year schooling model,
revision of the curriculum and the effects of involvement to international
monitoring studies” (p.32). Moreover, he offers “a brief overview of the ideas
underpinning the initiating trilingual policy and the introduction of a new
assessment system” (p.32). Many Western scholars such as Farland, W. &
Cepeda, R. (English as a Second Language: A Progress Report on Existing Board
Policy Directives, 1988), Italiano, F. & Hine, G. (Finding Ways to
Effectively Use Year 12 Achievement Data to Inform Practice in Secondary
Schools, 2014), Lim, P. & Karmel, T.
(The vocational equivalent to Year 12, 2011) made attempts to research language
policy in transition to K-12.
In Western
countries a huge pace of transition to 12-year education was made in the
beginning of the 21 century, although 12-year education model mentioned in State
Programme for the Development of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for
2005-2010, approved by the Decree of the President of the Republic of
Kazakhstan in 2004. Today Kazakhstani education is expected to be modified and
adopted to the new reform. The main point is on the development of language
policy in the reform of the transition to 12 year education, its challenges and
D., (Ed.) (2014). Educational reform and
Internationalization: the case of school reform in Kazakhstan. United
Kingdom: Peterborough.
W. & Cepeda, R., (1988). English as a Second Language: A Progress Report on
Existing Board Policy Directives.
G., Howland, J., (1999). A Guide to K-12
Program Development in World Languages. The United States Department of
Education's Foreign Language Assistant Program.
T., Reyna, R. & Shipton, S., (2011). Realizing
the Potential: How Governors Can Lead Effective Implementation of the Common
Core State Standards. NGA Center for Best Practices. Washington,
J., (2003). Completion of Twelve Years of Schooling or Its Equivalent.
F. & Hine, G., (2014). Finding Ways to Effectively Use Year 12 Achievement
Data to Inform Practice in Secondary Schools.
P. & Karmel, T. (2011). The
vocational equivalent to Year 12.
O., (2013, October 28). Interview to Central Asia Online. Retrieved from
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