Monday, April 20, 2015

Suicide rate among schoolchildren of Kazakhstan

Recently, my friend raised an issue about a high suicide rate in Kazakhstan. This led to a long discussion on prevention programs that officials are undertaken, teachers’ role in finding vulnerable children, schools’ and teachers’ fear of saying the truth and lack of systematic data. Prevention efforts were based on assumptions and information from a few reported cases of child suicide versus systematic and complete analysis. School administrators tend to hide any violent cases or any attempt of committing suicide by schoolchildren. These assumptions result in misunderstanding of child suicides and suicide attempts, thus society together with governmental stakeholders should take appropriate measures to prevent suicide cases in Kazakhstan.
According to information provided to the UNICEF in 2010, regional offices and Office of the General Prosecutor reported two different data on child suicides. Conferring to these data, it is hard to understand the scope of the problem because the data is inconsistent and conflict with each other. This indicates two things: either there is no control over each cases of suicide among schoolchildren or institutions are too vigilant to disclose actual numbers.  
In general, as per some research an important issue which forces children to commit suicide is aggressive computer games where children live in virtual lives (UNICEF, 2010). Technology nearly substituted a real friend, and there is hardly to find children playing on playgrounds. Most of their times kids spend in front of TV, tablets or smart phones. Children nowadays are less healthy than before; they have poor eyesight, problem of flat footedness and scoliosis. Parents, in turn spend only 20 minutes with their children which bring to isolation from society. The research conducted by psychiatrists in cooperation with the UNICEF experts identified social issues as a main reason for suicide among schoolchildren. Other factors include family problems and problems at school, bullying, distortion of money and physical abuse. Many teens feel that there is no one hearing them out (UNICEF, 2013).
A large number of adolescent are cruel nowadays, they have a little or no sympathy with other children and this can be explained by alteration of life values or by intensive way of life. Busy parents leave their children to their own devices, where they can communicate only with technology.
  Of course, there are a lot of other reasons of committing suicide by schoolchildren; it may be psychological deviations, bullying at school or family problems. However, society together with parents, teachers and policy makers should urgently take effective measures to tackle this problem.    
UNICEF. (2010). Child Suicide in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan, Astana. Robin N. Haarr.

UNICEF. (2013). Assessment of violence against children in school. Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, Astana. Robin N.Haarr. 


  1. Dear Assiya,
    Thank you for bringing up this issue. High suicide rate of teenagers in Kazakhstan is one of the biggest problems for our society. That’s why it is crucial to understand the factors that cause children to commit suicide and develop measures to address them. I believe, one of the important steps in addressing this issue is to increase the quality of psychological services in schools. It might also be good to establish republican wide association or community of school psychologists to give opportunity for best practice exchange and discussion of existing issues. I believe that such kind of experience sharing and discussion might be helpful in addressing the issue, because useful strategies might be developed as a result of professional’s team effort.

  2. No matter what people did and do, some individuals keep doing this and the issue that is considered as a crime is still unsolved. Why we have to consider a suicide as a crime? It is a choice of everyone to live or to die. Why others should decide when someone have to die? It is not their lives. Therefore, no one has a right to manage someone’s life span according to his or her personal biases about how human beings should live. A society tries to solve the problem, which is not a problem as it is, but only labeled as a problem by a society itself.
    Any society shows intolerance towards the individuals who think completely different from the society. A society knows only one way to deal with such individuals, to create laws to control and manipulate them.
