Saturday, April 4, 2015

Higher education as a field of study

The world of higher education paints a complex picture and that is why it is exciting to explore. It is a stage or part of the whole education system of every country; it comprises universities, institutions, research universities, distance technology-based universities, global multinational universities, virtual universities, corporate universities, etc; it serves to the needs of society and contributes to the economic, political, social and cultural development of a country. In addition, higher education is a field of study. There are various understandings among researchers on the emergence of the higher education as a filed of study. Altbach (2014) indicates that “Higher education as a field of study emerged as universities became complex institutions requiring data and interpretation for effective management and governance” (p. 1306).
 Several authors point out that Stanley Hall taught the first course on higher education (Burnett, 1972; Young, 1952, as cited in Goodchild, 1991, p. 17). He was a psychologist and he included the higher education study as a part of the applied psychology in the university (Goodchild, 1991). Goodchild (1991) reports that “As one of the first professors of education in the United States, at Johns Hopkins University in 1884 he developed a strong interest in the study of higher education, which became a lifelong avocation” (p. 16). In 1893, Hall announced that new higher education program was opened “under the following heading: “HIGHER EDUCATION” (p. 17).  The purpose of such program as Hall himself stated was:  “training future leaders in the field of higher education to the same expert knowledge of efforts and achievements in other lands” through a wide survey in order to profit by experiences of success and failure elsewhere” (Hall, 1891b, p. 312). Of course, we can not deny that thoughts or ideas on studying higher education as a field did not exist before the opening of such program. Such great philosophers as Confucius and Aristotle emphasized the transmission of knowledge. But few thought about it systematically and “no institutions were devoted to the study of higher education or educating those who are responsible for university leadership or management emerged until the twentieth century” (Altbach, 2014, p. 1306). Thus, it is believed that higher education as a filed of study begun to develop from the mid-twentieth century.
The need to open such program became apparent: skilled management in the area of academia, innovative leadership and academic administration needed to the body of higher education institutions in order to ensure that universities properly serve to the needs of students and society as a whole and to ensure that institutions managed effectively (Altbach, 2014). In other words, people who know how administration, research, management, financial affairs, student services should function properly in ACADEMIA were required more and more.
In my opinion, the program we study “Educational Leadership” is really of great need to our country. As we are signatory country of the Bologna Process there are a lot of aspects in higher education which need re-consideration, re-thinking, changes and innovations. Therefore, leadership and management of higher education can serve as a cornerstone of great improvements in the landscape of Kazakhstani higher education system.
To sum up, I would like to say we should know the background, roots and foundation of the field where we work or study. It is a basis which will illuminate our way.  


Altbach, Ph. G. (2014). The Emergence of a Field: Research and Training in   
      Higher Education. Studies in Higher Education, 39 (8), 1306-1320.

Goodchild, L.E. (1991). Higher Education as a Field of Study: Its Origins,  
       Programs, and Purposes, 1893-1960. New directions in higher education, 76,



  1. Zere, great topic. There is a moment in development of every scientific field, when it needs to focus on itself, reflect on organization, history and approaches it uses. It was the same for higher education - the aim to understand institution functionality from a different perspectives represents a progress in higher education development. I agree that programs such as school or higher education leadership are in need right now. It is not enough to be just manager to rule the institution successfully. Managers who possess the knowledge of higher education are the best suitable workers in this exact case.

  2. I would like to focus on Kazakhstani background of this topic. As you may know, during the Soviet times the universities did not have special people for managing the university, therefore, faculty staff also served as administrative staff. For that time it was not an arduous task due to the fact that the government had strict equal regulations for every university and they did not have to survive. Nowadays, the situation changed dramatically. In order to be competitive on the market and produce high-qualified workers, faculty staff cannot afford to make a managerial work because they have to focus on teaching, and more importantly, on research. In this regard, it became necessary to hire special people for managerial work. I believe that our specialization “Educational Leadership” is a huge step towards sustainable development of higher education system in Kazakhstan and we will bring our education system to a new level.

    1. Thank you for your valuable comment, Asselek! I agree with you that it was time when there was no need for university administrators. They come to this need by the time. I hope that we will bring education system a little better!
