Monday, April 20, 2015

What school to choose for your children?

If parents can afford private education, then it would be preferable to apply to private school, this is a common recommendation I always hear when I ask parents’ opinion. It is evident that private schools have a number of advantageous over public schools. The number of children in class does not exceed fifteen children; salaries of teachers are higher and schools functions five days per week. It is clear without saying that there is a huge difference between public and private schools in Kazakhstan. Differences are so obvious and puzzling so that I consider them as two different planets, where rules, environments, teachers are differ markedly from each other. Unfortunately, majority of people cannot afford private schools due to a high fee rate. That’s why many parents force to send their children to the schools where quantity of children outnumbers three times, where children have to study in 2 or 3 shifts and where average amount of children per each class is 28 students. 
If we start comparing two schools then at the end we will come to the conclusion that private schools are better than public schools. Let’s find out to what extend it is true. Payment for teacher’s labor in private is considerably higher than in public. This cause competition increase among teachers and hiring the most qualified educators. In private schools the learner-centered approach as well as systematic correction of learners’ knowledge is mandatory no matter how weak is the student. This effective approach helps to encourage students who demonstrate low scores. Another privilege of private schools is conducting five days per week study, which provides opportunity for parents to spend more time with their children during weekends. Additionally, school can have a transportation service to and from schools which is very convenient for parents. The range of extra-curricular activities helps children to expand and develop their knowledge. Up-to-date sport facilities and security are also in the list of advantageous. Moreover, students stay full day at school and are provided with hot meals daily.
Unfortunately the situation in majority of public schools is opposite than in private schools. Public schools struggling with exceeding numbers of students, lack of professional and burden of teachers’ work. Teachers perform duty as a tutor, physiologist, and subject teacher for a tiny salary. It is impossible to handle all three jobs at the same time. Viewing imbalance between two schools, policy makers along with key stakeholders should urgently take measures to improve the situation in public schools. Otherwise only children of wealthy people will have a solid education. As a recommendation I would suggest to receive payments in public schools so to make parents, teachers and administrative to be accountable. Another option is to make enrollment for students on a competitive basis. However, this may negatively affect the families of children with low income; they can be lost from education at all which will influence to the increase of uneducated human capital. Alternatively, the number of students in classes should be decreased to 15 children. Doubtless, increase of salary to teachers is the predominant issue that should be tackled promptly. 

 In this regards, I would like to hear your opinion about how to make public school more successful and effective. 


  1. Dear Assiya, you have raised a hot topic for discussion! I agree that private schools often have better educational provision, equipment and facilities comparing to the public schools. However I have a doubt that it is possible to bring public schools to the level of private, because the main aim of private schools is to serve rich social class. Rich people in their turn are ready to pay for it because they want their children study with those who also from the same social stratum. And even though all public schools will be provided with good facilities, equipment and so on, the difference between public and private schools still will take place due to social stratification. And if public schools will be also receive payments I guess parents will prioritize private schools.
    I also agree that teacher deserve a higher salary, but as we know, there are different teachers who work differently, some of them have a high work production having low salary, while others are not dedicated to the results of their job so much claiming that they are paid not enough for it. There is a necessity to research the question if raised salaries can lead to higher work production? I think within increasing of salaries the requirements for this job and limitations to the access have to be developed.

  2. Each parent wants their children to obtain a good quality education. Most parents prefer to send their kids to private schools, because public schools are really a matter of concern for parents. The benefits of private schools are high quality of education, accountability, curriculum, the one-on-one attention in class, and etc. That is why, most parents give their preference for private school. However, currently there are some Nazarbayev Intellectual schools (NIS), which have been launched in different parts of the country since 2008. The schools are state funded and very selective. Children in NIS have an opportunity to be educated in a trilingual environment (Kazakh, Russian and English). Of course, all parents want their kids to have the best education, but I think a child’s success depends on parents’ involvement in children’s education.

  3. Dear Assiya, firstly, the topic you are raising is correlated with the mistrust of society to public schools. Very often, I think, it becomes stereotypical, thinking that everything good is in private schools, so that parents are being trapped in the informational vacuum imposed by the society. Schools maintain 2 main functions: educating and socialization. I suppose the latter is more important, which is successfully provided by public schools. Choosing private over public parents kind of putting some amount of their own responsibility on school. Secondly, charging students for studying in public schools is illegal in Kazakhstan, unless it has special status (like NIS). It is well-declared in our Constitution that free basic compulsory education is guaranteed, it is a right.
